Mail love of the knitted variety!
So you know how I am on a swap ban? WELL, I have two swaps still
going that were both organised around Xmas time that are totally
tiding me over! I like the way I think, love getting around those
self-set rules. =P
So anyway, one of these swaps just came to an end...and this
beautiful package of knitted goodness arrived from the
lovely catpants and took my breath away! We pretty much did
a stalking-esque knitted goods for sewn goods swap, with other bits
and bobs thrown in. I only just sent my package (almost two weeks
late, eep, naughty) but hopefully it will get there soon because of
lovely Express international.So Ms C did a GREAT job on my Wists! She
made me a one skein wonder , woohoo! And you'll also notice
that this package consists of the most lovely dusty greyish blues
which I described and she TOTALLY read my mind in the colour
department with her beautiful yarn choices...
ANYHOO, do you know how hard it is to take a photograph of your
own back!? Sheesh. So shoulder action shots will have to do. I
absolutely adore it.
And THEN...another shrug! I am such a shrug freak, this one is
from my wists too! And on Craftster. I am so, so, so
lucky...this one is also such a gorgeous blue/grey, and the yarn is
so soft. It closes with a cute button brooch! I am totally wearing
this when I'm on the desk shift in the library, very quirky
librarian-esque no?
Please ignore the crazy pineapple hair...I've had to go curly for
the past few weeks as I have massive blonde regrowth and no money,
waves seem to stop people staring at the top of my head while they
talk to me.
Manon: Do you like my horns? Oh, I cat ears? *cough*
Manon was totally spoiled too! She got the most adorable kitty
hat, ALSO from my Blythe version! (how on earth? You
knitters amaze me) She also got a shrug of her own, ha! And a
gorgeous scarf. She is very pleased, she also now loves catpants
better than she loves me because one lazy person hasn't made her any
clothes yet =P
Now excuse the crappy picture of the LOVELY slippers! The only
place light enough to take pics at the moment is on the washing
machine, so here is me perched on top of said washing machine trying
to a) Not break it. b) Not fall off and c) Take rocking piccy of
slippers! They are SO soft and squishy, love this yarn to bits! These
are also from my Wists!
And then, a fan-freaking-tastic pink and white cotton grocery bag,
I am in LOVE with this. I have wanted one for so long and Ms smarty
pants stalker didn't even know! =P
And then probably the most stunning pieces of jewellery ever, this
gorgeous cluster ring (I love cluster rings!), which is my first, it
is so beautiful and tres comfy. And these absolutely smashing
earrings with gorgeous little hummingbirds, chain and beautiful
beads...never taking these off!
And wonderful studs encompassing the love of red and buttons! And
the most GORGEOUS, gorgeous napkin holders from knitted wire and
beads, aren't they divine!? I could stare at these all day.
Thank you so much Ms catpants for being a super duper
wonderful swap partner! I only hope you like your package half as
much as I love yours (piccies to come when it arrives!). And I
totally blame you (and esmerelda) for my new addiction to yarn,
crochet, knitting and spinning. :P
In other news...Crazy Aunt Purl wrote a book! This
is the girl that has made me say 'y'all' ALL the time (which sounds
mighty out of place in Australia), makes me spit out my tea in the
mornings when I read her blog and makes me happy by posting ten
trillion cat pictures with hilarious captions...I can't WAIT.
Also Mr M has informed me that I say the words 'freaking' and
'eep!' too much on the blog, and that I should let you all
(y'aaallllll) know that I am really a big gutter mouth in real life
and don't really use these sanitised versions of spee-king. He
obviously is never around when the mail comes because there really is
a lot of eeping coming out of my mouth. So get freaked Mr M =P
What else?...The next post will be full to the brim of yarn, fiber
and spinning pr0n, woot! I took lots of yummy pics today, can't wait
to show you...